Our work

Community & Advisory

Funding & Partnerships


Energy Equity

Community & Advisory

Empowering Communities, Together: Indigo Power Foundation fuels collaboration through the Community Energy Network (CEN).

  • The CEN is a platform for Community Energy Groups to connect, share learnings and ideas, and inspire one another.

    Hear more about the groups we support here.

  • Collaboration is key: By working together, communities can accelerate their transition to clean energy.

    Shared learnings: The CEN fosters knowledge exchange, ensuring every group benefits from collective experience.

    Inspiration and support: The network provides a space for groups to learn from each other's successes and challenges.

  • We provide a comprehensive online resource centre with grant information, articles, and meeting recordings. Our hybrid meetings bring members together physically and virtually, fostering collaboration across the network. We organise informative presentations on innovative renewable energy solutions, local success stories, and government incentives. Additionally, we offer capacity-building workshops and financial support to help CEN members participate in key industry events. Through these initiatives, we equip Community Energy Groups with the knowledge, tools, and connections they need to drive clean energy progress in their communities.

Indigo Power Foundation is proud to support the CEN, empowering communities to build a brighter, more sustainable future together.

Funding & Partnerships

Unlocking Resources for Community Energy: We identify grants & strategic partners that are a good fit for community energy groups, connecting them with crucial resources.

In our first year, we secured $100,000 in grants, enabling:

  • Capacity Building: A $27,000 grant from Patagonia funded workshops, strengthening the skills of community energy groups.

  • Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: A $3,000 DEECA grant helped Victorian CEN members attend the national Community Energy Congress.

  • Operational Support: A $70,000 grant from 5Point Foundation supported core CEN operations, enabling us to better serve all members.

We work with partners to identify opportunities:

  • Local Councils 

  • Government Organisations - organisations like DEECA, VicGrid, Sustainability Victoria and Solar Victoria 

  • Funding Partners - we are working with larger funders to identify opportunities to reduce the administration load whilst maintaining appropriate governance, ensuring the resources are allocated in the most impactful way.

  • Energy Organisations - we are working with Grid and Energy Retailers like Indigo Power, Ausnet and Reposit Power to identify opportunities to lean on community groups to offer insights, run trials or develop projects of impact.

  • Energy Advocates - we partner with other NFPs like Community Power Agency, C4CE and Rewiring Australia to strengthen their research and lobbying efforts with grassroots insights.

  • Policymakers: We meet with local MPs like Dr Helen Haines and Tim McCurdy, ensuring community voices are heard at all levels of government.

  • Industry Leaders: Collaborations with organizations such as the Community Power Agency and Rewiring Australia strengthen our collective impact.

  • Government Agencies: We work closely with DEECA, Sustainability Victoria, and local councils to develop policies that support community-driven clean energy solutions.

  • Funding Partners: We engage with the Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network (AEGN) and FRRR to secure resources that fuel community action.


We are urging politicians at all levels to support Community Energy in finding solutions to Energy Insecurity. We actively engage with:

Our Key Message:

Households are the backbone of our communities, wielding purchasing power, business influence, and voting rights. Community Energy Groups are the bridge, empowering residents to become active participants in the transition to clean energy.

Indigo Power Foundation recognizes that current renewable energy incentives often leave low-income households and renters behind. We're actively tackling this challenge by developing innovative models that promote equitable access to clean energy.

Community energy insecurity manifests in various ways, impacting individuals and the whole community. Overall, community energy insecurity creates a cycle of hardship, impacting individuals' health, well-being, and ability to meet basic needs. It also weakens the overall well-being and resilience of the community.

Our flagship initiative: A ready-to-deploy model specifically designed to help community housing reduce energy bills and transition to renewable energy. This solution prioritises equity and ensures everyone benefits from a clean energy future.

The Need for Action: We're actively seeking funding to bring this impactful model to life and empower disadvantaged communities to embrace renewable energy.

Energy Equity

Leaving No One Behind in the Clean Energy Transition: