The renewable energy transition isn't just about clean energy, it's about democratising power.

Local power, local control.
Community-scale power generation & storage leaves control in local hands, boosting resilience & lowering costs.

Our Theory of Change

Community collaboration is essential to climate targets

Indigo Power Foundation has identified that the decentralised and distributed nature of renewable energy systems is challenging the traditionally concentrated ownership model of energy resources. Community engagement and endorsement of such projects is proving critical to their success. 

The ability of the renewable energy transition to scale, at the speed required by the science, will be won or lost on community buy-in.

There are significant barriers to community empowerment

Groups have formed to work towards a speedier transition but the efficacy of these groups is being limited by their ability to navigate the complex and changing energy landscape. The challenge is in building capacity within these groups to understand and evaluate the options available to deliver equitable ownership and benefit sharing models.

Through the Community Energy Network (CEN), Indigo Power Foundation helps build capacity by supporting community groups and providing professional assistance in enhancing skill sets, navigating governance requirements, sharing knowledge through accessible channels and connecting them to enablers whilst collaborating to grow that success.

Empowerment through impactful local initiatives

Community energy groups develop knowledge and expertise by delivering local renewable energy initiatives such as household electrification programs and clean back-up power solutions for community assets. Funding for these projects come from varied sources which circumvent shared learnings.

Indigo Power Foundation aggregates the outcomes of community energy projects and highlights the most impactful initiatives appropriate to those looking to act. This supports groups to make the most of the funding they can secure, whilst clearing the road for them to achieve a cleaner, greener future for their communities.

We are a trusted advisor, and we: 

  • Offer insights

  • Capture and share learnings

  • Facilitate connections

  • Assist culture building across the sector

  • Help the community set the structures up and let them drive

We are the first port of call for Community Energy Groups

Our Vision:

Empowered rural communities driving the transition to renewable energy for the benefit of all.

Strategic Pillars

Our values


We are a trusted broker based on good governance, transparency, and evidence based information


We seek climate justice that delivers benefits to all communities through fair and accessible means


We embrace technology and provide thought leadership in pursuit of a fossil fuel free world


We are bold in seeking change to address the climate emergency and will aim high


We are flexible and aligned with community needs, pivoting as needs change